Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Bylaws of The Black Coalition of Quebec

Black identity

The Black Coalition of Quebec will observe the colours of Red, Black, and Green as representative of our community.

Black: Which represents the colour of skin

Red: Which represents the sacrifices and the spilling of the innocent blood of our people over centuries

Green: Which represents the field of Africa, reflecting the identity and origin of our people everywhere


The Black Coalition of Québec Inc.


Section 1

1.1 The name of this organisation shall be THE BLACK COALTION OF QUEBEC
INC., hereinafter referred to as the Coalition/B.C.Q

1.2 a) The Black Coalition of Quebec takes its origin from the Black Coalition of Canada which was formed in 1969 in defence of Human Rights.

b) The Coalition is one of the principal speakers of the Black community in defence of individual rights.

c) The coalition is at the service of the collectivity to defend against all forms of discrimination

d) The headquarters of the B.C.Q Inc. will be in the province of Quebec.

1.3 All previous bylaws of the Black Coalition of Quebec are repealed as from the date of acceptance and approval of these laws by the Annual General Meeting.

1.4 The Annual General Meeting may amend these bylaws, upon or without the recommendations of the Board of Directors, provided that the General Meeting gives the Board of Directors thirty (30) days notice to submit the recommendations.

1.5 The fiscal year shall begin on 1st January and terminate on 31st December of each year.


Section 2

2.1 a) B.C.Q means the Black Coalition of Quebec

b) Executive, means the managers of the Coalition

c) Central office means the head office

d) Member means any individual or group who registers with the Coalition and who pays membership fee.

Central office

Section 3

3.1 The Central Office will be at the services of all members of The Black Coalition and established at Montreal in the Province of Quebec.


3.2 The Coalition is an autonomous organization, but is structured to represent the total Black community and organizations of the community.
3.3 The Coalition is autonomous because:
a) It is duly chartered
b) It is governed by its own by-laws
c) It is administered by its Board of Directors
d) An Executive assist in the government of the Coalition.

Aims and objectives

Section 4

4.1 To defend the rights and interests of the Black Community, and others in society irrespective of place of origin, language or religious beliefs, or age differences.

4.2 To sensitize governments, para- governmental agencies, the public private sectors in giving Black people an opportunity to achieve full social, cultural, economic and educational opportunities.

4.3 To initiate programmes and take action with the aim of eradicating all forms of racism from society.

4.4 To provide the instrument through which education is used as a vehicle to sensitize the public to equal rights and social justice.

4.5 Increased opportunities for Black talents in the entertainment and communication industries.

4.6 To encourage young people in the black community to engage in various spheres economic, social, and political in the society.

4.7 To foster communication and cooperation with the Black community in other provinces and abroad.

4.8 To provide a vehicle through which the Black Community may avail itself of the aid and advice of the most experienced, skilled and committed resource people.

4.9 While the Coalition must be implicated in the social, political, economic and educational activities of the community, the President and all responsible for the policy direction of the Coalition must concentrate on la raison d’être of the Coalition, which is to stand in defence of the Human Rights of all in society.

4.10 To militate on behalf of the Black community, to achieve equal rights and justice


Section 5

5.1 Honorary Members: Honorary Membership shall be conferred upon anyone who is recommended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

5.2 The Coalition is required to give services in varying degrees to all members; after paying a prescribed fee.

5.3 Membership in the Coalition is open to all at a prescribed fee; 16 years and over.

5.4 The members of the Coalition is composed by individuals and organizations. Each organization is allowed one representative at the Annual General Meeting.


Section 6

Organizations in coalition

6.1 Organizations referred to as member organizations with the Black Community participating with the Black Coalition in the interest of the community.

6.2 These organizations will be required to pay a prescribed fee.

6.3 All organizations in Coalition will be required to nominate at least one of its members as delegates to the Annual General Meeting.

Organizations in association

Section 7

7.1 Organizations in association:
Any organization maybe in association with the Coalition, to build a common front in the fight for justice and equality in society.

7.2 Such an organization may become an Organization in association by making a request to the Board of directors of The Coalition.

7.3 The delegates of an organization in association will be granted observer status at the Annual General Meeting.

7.4 The Directors of the Coalition reserves the right to determine the organizations that will be admitted in association with The Coalition.

Annual general meeting

Section 8

8.1    There will be a general meeting on a yearly basis where the members will meet to determine the policy direction of the Coalition.

8.2 This Annual General Meeting will compose of representative of organizations in coalition, and members at large.

8.3 Members who cannot attend the meeting may give a procuration to a member to represent them at the Annual General Meeting.


Section 9

9.1 The Board of Directors may give awards to anyone who is confirmed by a majority vote.

9.2 Any individual or organization member may submit names of individuals to the Board of Directors for consideration of awards

Section 10

10.1 All special resolutions and or amendments to the Constitution must be submitted in writing and must reach the office of The Coalition at least thirty (30) days before the Annual general Meeting.

10.2 The Board of Directors will determine the day, date, place and time of the Annual General Meeting.

10.3 Members of the Coalition who are seeking to become members of the Board of Director will be required to give notice of their intentions at least fifteen (15) days before the Annual General Meeting.

10.4 a) the Board of Directors will make a special form available for all those seeking to become Director of The coalition.

b) All such application forms will be supported by the signatures of two members of the Coalition

10.5 a) Application forms will be made available to all those who would like to serve as president of the Board of Directors.

b) Notice of all available positions will be posted in a visible place at the Head office at least thirty (30) days before the Annual General Meeting.

10.6 The number of directors to serve on the Board of Directors of the Coalition will be ten (10) members


Section 11

11.1 The Chairman of the Board Directors will be elected by the Annual General Meeting

11.2 The mandate of the Chairman will be two years.

11.3 The Board of Directors shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting.

11.4 All candidates for positions on the Board of Directors must be members in good standing

11.5 a) The election of members shall be by secret vote supervised by one or more members who are not candidates.

b) All members will be elected to serve for a period not exceeding two years.

The officers

Section 12

The president

12.1The president of the Coalition will be elected at the Annual General Meeting and will appoint the executive at the first meeting of the Board of Directors.

12.2 The president of the Board of Directors of the Coalition is the administrator of the Coalition and may call a meeting of the Board of Directors and may preside over such meeting.

12.3 The president may also call a meeting of committee when deemed necessary either with the assistance of the chair of this committee or independently.

12.4 The president should initiate meetings at all levels to keep the membership, supports and the public informed about the objectives of the Coalition.

a) The duty of the president shall be to preside over all meetings of the Coalition and to provide leadership.

b) To delegate responsibilities to officers and members of the Coalition

c) To appoint committees, and assume a general role in promoting the well-being of the Coalition.


12.5 The duties of the Vice-president shall be to act in the absence of the president and assume all the duties which would otherwise be performed by the president.

The secretary

12.6 a) the duties of the Executive Secretary shall be to keep an accurate record of all the transactions of the Coalition

b) to issue receipts in all financial transactions of the Coalition and report all financial to the president and or treasurer.

c) to provide receipt for all membership fees paid and transit such fees to the treasurer

The Treasurer

12.7 a) The duties of the Treasurer shall be to see that all financial transactions are according to specified procedures, and the wishes of the Coalition, and report to the president and the annual general meeting.

b) to open a bank account in the name of the Coalition at a bank or trust company to be determined by the Executive Committee.

c) Prepare an up-to-date financial statement for all regular meetings of the Executive Committee.

d) Present at each meeting of the Board of Directors and as requested by the Executive Committee an up-to-date financial statement.

e) The president may appoint an account to assist in the functions of the treasurer.


Section 13

The executive committee

13.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and such other members as may determined by the president to form the Board of Directors.

13.2 The Executive Committee shall have control of the management of the Coalition subject to the authority of the membership

13.3 The Executive Committee shall appoint honorary or ex-officio members to serve in an advisory capacity but without voting rights at any meeting.

13.4 Members of the Executive or the Board of Directors failing to attend three(3) consecutive meetings without due notice for reasons other than the ill-health shall be removed from his/her position at the option of the Executive.

13.5 The Executive shall have the responsibility to ensure that such position cannot be made vacant if written notice of the meetings were not sent to the directors at least five (5) days before the meeting.

13.6 Members of the Executive or members of the Board of directors who are not performing their duties in accordance with the Aims and Objectives of the Coalition shall be removed from the office by the majority vote of the Executive.

13.7 Vacancies occurring on the Executive between annual general meetings shall be filled by appointment (from the general membership) by majority agreement of the Board of Directors.

13.8 A member of the Executive may resign at any time without forfeiting membership in the Coalition. The term of office shall cease upon acceptance of his/her written resignation.

13.9 Any member of the Executive who is directly or indirectly interested in a proposed contract of the Coalition shall declare this interest to the Executive and refrain from voting on the matter, or participating in the discussions.

The standing committees

Section 14

14.1 a) Finance committee

b) Press, Publicity, communication committee

c) Membership committee

d) Social Action Committee

e) Political Action Committee

f) Youth Committee

g) Woman Action Committee

h) Senior’s Committee

Finance committee

14.2 This committee shall comprise of at least three (3 permanent members of the Board of Directors.

14.3 The treasurer of the Board will be president of the finance committee

14.4 The committee will meet quarterly to review the financial status of the Coalition and report to the Board.

Press, publicity, communication committee

14.5 This committee shall comprise of at least three members of the Board with the Public Relations officer as president

14.6 This committee will meet as often as is necessary to plan communication strategies, and instate means for general public information.

Membership committee

14.7 This committee shall comprise of at least three permanent members of the board

14.8 The members of the committee will initiate plans of action necessary to promote and increase the membership of the Coalition.

14.9 In the limit specified by these Bylaws, the committee will meet to review applications of members to the Board of Directors.

14.10 The committee will report their finding at the Annual General Meeting.

Social action committee

14.11 This committee shall comprise of at least three permanent members of the Board.

14.12 This committee will meet quarterly to advise the Board on the social actions to be taken to promote the interest of the Black Community.

Political action committee

14.13 This committee shall comprise of at least three permanent members of the Board and will advise the Board on political actions to be taken in the interest of the Black Community.

14.14 This committee will coordinate forces with different groups to form political alliances in the interest of the community.

Youth committee

14.15 This committee shall comprise of at least three permanent members and will address issues affecting youths in the black community.

Women's committee

14.16 a) The women’s committee shall make recommendations to the Board on actions to be taken to enhance the conditions of women in the Black community.

b) Will consist of at least three permanent members to this committee.

Senior's committee

14.17 This committee shall comprise of at least three permanent members, and will represent and promote interest of seniors in the Black community.

14.18 This committee shall present recommendations to the Board on actions to be taken in the interest of seniors in the Black Community.

Ex-officio member

14.19 The president of the Board of Directors is ex officio member to all standing committees.

14.20 The chairperson or permanent representative of the committee must notify the president of all meetings of the committee.

14.21 The president may designate members of the Board to assist in any meeting of standing committees.

14.22 Standing committees may invite members at large to be part of the committee.


Section 15

15.1 The nominating committee shall receive suggestions for applications from qualified candidates.

15.2 The nominating committee shall provide at least seven days before the annual meeting a written report of all members listing the names of nominees for each position on the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors.


Section 16

Meeting of members of the Board of Directors

16.1 Meeting of members of the Board of Directors will be held at least once every quarter, but the president in consultation with members of the Board will determine the frequency of these meetings.

  • Only designated members of the Board are authorized to vote at the Board of Directors meetings.
  • The president may invite resource persons to meetings of the Board to give necessary information for the advancement of the Coalition.
  • Such resource persons will serve at the pleasure of the president and will not have the right to vote.
  • The president will determine whether such resource persons should attend meetings of the Board specifically designated for the purpose or attend the general meeting of the Board.
  • In every case the president will define and determine the exact function of all resource persons who are invited to attend Board meetings.

16.2 Regular meetings of the Executive shall be held at least once a month at a time and place determined by the president.

16.3 Chairpersons of standing committee shall call meetings of their respective committee quarterly or as frequently as is necessary.

Amendment to these bylaws

Section 17

17.1 These Bylaws may be amended with at least thirty (30) days notice on a motion and two-thirds (⅔) vote of the Coalition in any manner which is consistent with this constitution.


Section 18

18.1 No indebtedness or obligations shall be incurred by the officers and members of the Coalition in the name of the Coalition.

Suspension or termination of membership

Section 19

19.1 The Board of Directors or the General Assembly may by two-thirds (⅔) vote suspend or terminate the membership of individual or organization for reasons that may include the following:

a) Non-payment of fees

b) Prolonged failure to send delegates to General Meeting

c) Prolonged failure to send delegates to special meetings of the Coalition

d) In the case of the above before any decision is taken the organization in question shall have the right to present its case to the Board of Directors.


Section 20

20.1 There shall be an auditing committee or in the absence thereof a professional auditor appointed each year whose report shall be submitted at the Annual General.

Employment committee

Section 21

21.1 A committee of three members of the Board of Directors with the administrator of the Black Coalition will form the committee of employment.

21.2 The president of the Board of Directors will be the chairperson of the committee

21.3 This committee will be responsible for all permanent employees and will receive complaints.

21.4 It will meet once a month or as frequently as is necessary to address employee inquiries. Employees may request to appear before the committee for a hearing or submit suggestions or complaints in writing.

Conflict of interest

Section 22

22.1 The participation in discussions and taking positions in matters of direct or indirect interest to a member or members of the Board constitutes a conflict of interest.

22.2 Such conflict of interest may constitute contractual considerations, family relations, or association through marital status, or other related relationships.

22.3 Any director or directors who are in such conflict must exclude themselves from the discussions and meetings.

22.4 The president is under obligation to point out such conflicts and demand that the director or directors leave the meeting.

22.5 The president will recall the directors as soon as the issue of conflict of interest is resolved by other members of the Board.


Section 23

a) A yearly audit will be done consistent with the general accepted auditing principles.

Notice elections

Section 24

a)Notice of the Annual General Meeting will be sent to all members at least fifteen (15) days before the meeting.

b) The meeting of the Board of Directors will be held quarterly or as frequently as the Chair may deem necessary.

c) The Executives will be elected by the members of the Board of Directors.

Adopted by the Annual General Meeting on April 13, 2016 Dan Philip Secretary of The Board of Directors.